The pursuit of a controlled, expressive, reliable oboe playing is similar to the appreciation we have for the interpretation of works by Johann Sebastian Bach. The search for beauty intertwines with the demand for technical reliability while at the same time giving each note its proper weight within a well organized phrase. In these 20 Etudes, Alex Klein leads the modern oboist into an exploration of Bach works, some of them arranged for the first time for this instrument, leading to high performance standards easily applied and expanded to other repertory, styles and eras.
Bach Etudes - Book 1 (English)
Suggested paper weight:
Cover: 120lb or thicker
Inner pages: 80lb or thicker
If printing double-sided, make sure page number 1 stays on the right-hand side, and that page 8 and 9 (Etude n. 1) can be opened facing each other.
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